The traffic congestion in Bangkok causes significant problems that negatively impact economy, social and environmental status. Therefore, the Thai government implemented the Mass Transit System development masterplan for Bangkok and its vicinity area to ease the problems. The government has invested in construction of Mass Transit system networking. and the first stage of ten (10) mass transit line is nearly finish. The connectivity is important for mass transit system users which passengers have to travel first mile or last mile from their home to the mass transit system. The objective of this study is to evaluate the influential factors for the first travel of the passengers as it is the key factor to reduce the use of private vehicle. The stated preference method was used to get the opinion from 477 samples, using online questionnaire. Multinomial Logit Model was used to understand the travelling factors. The result showed that passengers have given priority to1) travel time, 2) waiting time and 3) travel cost respectively. The P-Value of all parameters are more than 99% level of confidence. Networking development which is in accordant with passengers' need will increase the use of mass transit system.